Monday, March 30, 2020

Chemistry Volume I by Michael Barnett, Ph.D

Chemistry Volume I by Michael Barnett, Ph.DChemistry Volume I by Michael Barnett, Ph.D. is one of the best chemistry books on the market today. It is easy to understand, and covers every topic from the chemical bonds to the reactivity of elements.There are different kinds of textbooks in the world, but few books are as detailed and as informative as this one. It is no wonder that Dr. Barnett has received many awards, and that his works are widely considered to be the 'core' of the chemistry curriculum. The reasoning behind this is that Dr. Barnett brings new and innovative ways to teach the subject and makes the knowledge accessible to all.One of the primary topics of the book is the energy of different substances. This is a topic that often seems highly simplified, and yet Dr. Barnett proves it is not. It is an area that requires one to look at the whole picture, and not just a small part of it. It also requires one to understand the theories behind the behavior of different substan ces, which can only be learned through studying chemistry.The next topic to look at is reactions, which involve solid matter and gas, as well as the properties of matter. In this subject, Dr. Barnett brings up the controversial subject of nuclear fusion, and how the reaction affects the behavior of different substances. Since it is a controversial topic, it must be taught in an organized way, which is why it is vital that one have a teacher who is knowledgeable and experienced.Topics include reactions between the substance and the environment, as well as reactions that are not solid matter. Although they may seem very simplistic at first, it is possible to trace and understand the behavior of these substances through many experiments and calculations. This is something that one cannot understand on their own, and that one must have a teacher who is willing to explain the complexities of the subjects.At times, one will find themselves explaining the processes of DNA formation and fun ction, and how they relate to the body, and the self-reproducing capabilities of one's own cells. An advanced student can learn the principles that link the two. This is something that is important for one to understand, because it is the basis of life itself. It is a concept that is easy to grasp but difficult to master.A very important topic that is covered in this book is the basics of the periodic table, which can be read from cover to cover. This is a topic that many people do not consider as important, but it is one that should be remembered. Understanding the symbols is crucial to understanding how the elements work, and what each symbol means.Overall, this book's author is extremely knowledgeable about chemistry. It is a fascinating subject and one that must be taught effectively in order to truly understand it. Fortunately, Dr. Barnett does an excellent job of explaining the concepts and making them accessible to anyone.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Creating Your Perfect Career The Vision Board

Creating Your Perfect Career The Vision Board Photo via Sarah at Design Me Daily Blog Why the Vision Board Works The idea behind creating a vision board for yourself is to serve as a creative, daily reminder of the goals you wish to attain by tapping into the power of visualization. You may be wondering why going through the process of creating a vision board for your goals is worth your time, or why you would need to put something on your wall when you already have it in your head, but this is exactly the point. The vision board is meant to metaphorically bring your ideas for the future into reality, as a tangible object you can draw inspiration from every day. According to social scientist Frank Niles, Ph.D., via the Huffington Post,  â€œbefore we can believe in a goal, we first must have an idea of what it looks like. To paraphrase the old adage: we must see it before we can believe it,” Niles said. This is a process used frequently by world-class athletes, with several studies showing that having a clear picture of the outcome of a game in their minds increases performance. In fact, it has even been shown that mental visualization alone can lead to physical gains in muscle without a person having to physically train. “Seasoned athletes use vivid, highly detailed internal images and run-throughs of the entire performance, engaging all their senses in their mental rehearsal, and they combine their knowledge of the sports venue with mental rehearsal, Angie LeVan of  Psychology Today  said. World Champion Golfer, Jack Nicklaus has said: ‘I never hit a shot, not even in practice, without having a very sharp in-focus picture of it in my head’”. Just as an athlete uses visualization to score a winning point, we can use a vision board to clearly “see” ourselves scoring our ideal career. Getting Started on Your Board The first step in creating a board for yourself is to find a space to keep or hang it in. It can be small or large, but is preferably a space where you spend a good amount of time, such as at your desk or study nook. Emily Hutter, Student Services Advisor at the Academy of Art University, says having a vision board in this space helps her realize her desires and keeps her organized. “Visualization and vision boards also help to organize, Hutter said. It puts goals all together and right in front of me, unavoidable, like a constant reminder of what I am working to achieve.” From here, the type of material you wish to use as the “base” for your board is up to you. A simple cardboard square or pin board will work, as well as more modern approaches such as taping or illustrating pictures in an artistic fashion on a wall. The main point is to choose what feels right for your personal taste. Photo via acreativemint on Flickr After you have chosen your base, now it’s time to start adding images and/or sketches. These can be tears from magazines, photos you have personally taken, quotes that inspire you and any other material pieces that speak to you. However, Martha Beck, in an article featured on, tells us that these images should contain more than the standard mansion house, shredded body, ideal partner and bank rolls everybody desires; they should come from an instinctual feeling and from images that cause a physical reaction. This includes:  â€œ … a heart thump, a double take, a gasp.The only responses involved should resemble these: “Ooooh!”, “Aaaahhhhh.”, “Whoa!”, “!!!!” and “????.” These ‘thoughts’ register in your stomach, your heart, your lungsâ€"anywhere but your head. You cant produce them in response to cultural clichés or abstract ideas. Nor can you always know why your body reacts to an image. Wondering, then finding out, is one of the most delicious things about assembling a vision board.” If you’re having trouble tapping into your physical reaction to certain images, there are some questions you can ask yourself that can help in your choices: Where do I see myself when I think of my perfect career or ideal life?   Are you in a large-scale city? What types of buildings are there? What kind of office do you have (if you have one) or do you work from home? Find pictures that reflect what you see in your mind. Photo via Jessica at Black.White.Yellow What do I do in my spare time outside of my career? This is a great question to think about when envisioning your perfect career. Do you want a job that allows you plenty of “you” time, such as great hours and pay for travel? What will you do during that time? What goals do I hope to achieve through my career? Photo via Judi May on Flickr Do you see yourself being promoted? To what position? What are you wearing as you’re promoted? Details help you to create a clearer visual of what you desire. Sometimes, especially in dorm rooms and other shared living situations, you don’t have the space available to create a vision board to your liking. Fortunately, there are several vision board apps available that allow you to create your board online or on your phone. The first is called O Dream Board and can be found on, and a second, called Happy Tapper,  is available on iTunes; both allow you to collect images centered on your goals and dreams. The act of creating a vision board is one of realizing your dreams and of turning them into a tangible goal and a friendly inspiration. Now, sure, my walls may be greeting me, but as long as its my future talking, Ill be saying hello back.

Center for Autism and Related Disorders

Center for Autism and Related Disorders Center for Autism and Related Disorders The Center for Autism and Related Disorders, Inc. (CARD) is among the world’s largest and most experienced organizations effectively treating children with autism and related disorders. With U.S. and International reach, CARD touches the lives of hundreds of children and their families. Through a network of trained teachers, therapists, supervisors and researchers we develop and implement quality, comprehensive and personalized treatment programs which lead to success, and in many cases recovery.CARD was started in 1990 by renowned psychologist and early researcher of autism, Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh. She designed a unique treatment curriculum based on the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) method and built an organization of dedicated and trained staff.CARD Academy is a private day school for students with Autism, developmental delay and Speech and Language Delays. The school serves students between the ages of 5and 22. It is a year round program with services from September to August.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Frequent Formula Chemistry - Introduction

Frequent Formula Chemistry - IntroductionThe frequency formula chemistry is one of the most popular chemical synthesis tools in the world. It has been used in a variety of fields from applied sciences to manufacturing, and of course in medical applications. The basic idea behind the formula is to use the mathematical structure of the hydrogen atom to create molecular chains with repeating structures.Frequency formula chemistry is based on the hydrogen atom. The main concept behind it is that any compound is only stable when having several identical molecule structures. The periodic table contains the hydrogen atoms, and when placed in their right place they form an atom, or ion. These three elements are not exactly the same, but if you have them all then you have the formula.This principle is further explained by the Bohr model. Each atom has a nucleus, but not all of them will bond together. In some cases the bonds can be broken and leave a lone electron in the middle, this will the n react with another atom that is nearby to produce a new substance. This chain reaction will continue until one of the atoms is left to form another molecule.As well as being used in chemical synthesis, it is also widely used in biology. It has been shown to allow a more efficient transfer of electrons, which leads to more energy for the cell to work with. The number of atoms that can be passed through the cell membrane can vary depending on the type of organism and the environment.This particular formula is not used for all chemical purposes, it has been used in order to create a chemical structure to design periodic table of elements. The user can use the formula to design new chemical bonds between different elements. The formula provides a link between the periodic table and the different elements. It allows the elements to be distinguished, making it easier to predict the properties of these elements.As well as the periodic table, other synthetic chemistry based software, also uses the formula to perform calculations. They are great for computer scientists to test out how new chemical compounds work together and to help you keep track of different chemical reactions.There are a lot of benefits to using a formula, especially in the chemical science. With its stability, it allows for more reliable calculation of molecular chains. In addition, it can be used to create bonds and take an element from the periodic table, and allow it to be used as a new chemical compound.

Molecules Definition - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Molecules

Molecules Definition - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About MoleculesThe first and most important thing about the language of molecules is that there is no such thing as a molecule that is identical to another molecule. Each molecule of one substance is made up of atoms and is made up of its own constituent chemicals. Sometimes this composition includes molecular bonds, which are molecules that consist of more than one atom.So, what exactly does it mean to be a molecule? This can only be understood by defining the terms and seeing the principle behind what the chemist does when he synthesizes new compounds. In other words, the process has to be understood in the correct order.The common units for measuring quantities of molecules are mass and volume. These are used to classify things that are smaller than or larger than 100 millionths of a gram. Metals such as potassium, sodium, and calcium are lumped together as compounding. Molecules have a mass that is about ten times greater than that of the atoms which make up them.What happens when a molecule changes forms? Well, all sorts of chemical reactions take place to create this change. As an example, if a molecule which is a molecular weight unit was to absorb some of its molecular weight from another molecule, the change is actually a chemical reaction. At this point, we have created a complex compound, but not one that were originally defined.What the chemist does at this point is take the change in molecules and convert it into a chemical reaction. He takes the bonds between these molecules and pushes them apart. He breaks the bonds and creates molecules that have fewer bonds. Eventually, the molecules lose all of their bonds and become a solid mass.Molecules also play a part in biological processes, which are ultimately dependent on the fact that the molecules that make up their life forms contain the information needed to maintain their existence. These 'wiring' molecules are the ones which actually move throughout the cell, maintaining the proper balance of the number of oxygen and carbon molecules. The amount of oxygen that each molecule contains depends on how much carbon is present in the original form. Therefore, any change in the molecules' composition will affect the volume of each cell and eventually the lifespan of the organism.Molecules are still very important for living things. There are molecules that the cells use to carry the genetic information of the cell. There are molecules which can protect the cells against diseases and viruses. The more understanding that scientists have of how molecules are created and used in life, the more they will be able to improve upon life.

How to Write Music for Piano

How to Write Music for Piano What Are the Best Ways to Write a Piece of Piano Music? Chapters What Skills Do You Need to Start Writing Your Own Pieces? What Are the Steps to Follow When it Comes to Writing Piano Music? What About Writing then Recording? Becoming a Piano Composer Don’t Create Pieces that Are Too ComplicatedPlaying the piano isn’t easy in the beginning. Even the basics can seem tricky when you first learn to play. Most people use sheet music of pieces written by other musicians and composers and practice them during their piano tutorials.In music classes we read sheet music for a song and break down the music, looking at each chord, the key signatures and the time signatures. Then we to replicate it as faithfully as possible on the keyboard in front of us while our metronome ticks away.However, you need to get to a certain level before you can start to compose music.  That’s because it requires both the creativity to create the song and the technical ability to play it.However, there are a few tricks you can use to create your own pieces to help you get better at playing the piano.Find out how you can improve your dexterity for better piano playing... LouisPiano Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlisonPiano Teacher £32/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors BarbaraPiano Teacher £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Chi yuenPiano Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomPiano Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ErenPiano Teacher 5.00 (5) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValtiePiano Teacher £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielPiano Teacher 5.00 (5) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors What Skills Do You Need to Start Writing Your Own Pieces?You obviously can’t write a piece of music for the piano by snapping your fingers. There are certain steps you have to take:You need to keep in mind that there are literally tons of composers and pieces for piano already.Try your best not to copy! With that in mind, let’s get started.Having Musical References and the Ability to Use ThemWhen we play piano, it’s because there's something we want to play. We’re lucky enough to live in an age where we have plenty of music and plenty of styles of music. There’s something for everyone.  This means there are plenty of different musical structures we can pick apart in order to find out how and why they work.How do you write your own music? (Source: Best Digital Piano)Once we’ve worked out how most songs are put together, it’s much easier to create our own written music and we can use this to create a musical feeling in line with the music style we’re composing in.Having the Necessary Piano SkillsThis might seem obvious. A pianist who’s just started learning won’t have the necessary skills required to be able to create a complete and well-rounded musical masterpiece.In order to write music well, it’s important that you are familiar with music itself, different chords and scales, etc.  You ne ed to know how to play and be adept at understanding how to read music.In my opinion, you have to spend several years studying how to play the piano, learning about music theory, and be pretty adept at reading music notation and writing onto staves using the two clefs before you start creating your own music on the page.If you don't know what a time signature is, you can't tell a treble clef from a bass clef, or you've never even heard of rests, you'll probably need to keep studying. It's more complicated than just putting a few quarter notes from a major scale into music notation software.Piano lessons Derby are essential on your journey towards writing your own music.Find out how you too can make piano playing simpler... What Are the Steps to Follow When it Comes to Writing Piano Music?If you’ve already completed the previous steps, you’ve got everything you need to start creating your music score. However, there are a few more steps to follow as you actually write the music.T here are also a few techniques you need to master. Otherwise, you’ll never truly complete the piece. Which would be a shame...Lyrics before music or the other way round?Most composers would tell you that it’s better to write the music after you write the lyrics. The reason is simple:  It’s much easier to create a musical universe once you’ve written the words and you’ve set the structure (verse, chorus, etc.) and you can also set the tempo and sound to fit.Of course, you can also write the music before the lyrics. This is good if you’ve got a mind for creating melodies since everything will fall nicely into place. If you already have the tempo and sound, it’ll be easier to come up with a rhyming structure.How do you choose the main chords?Find the balance between the music and the lyrics. (Source: DMPM)The first thing you have to do when writing music is decide the key and the main chords.Let me explain... 90% of pieces are built around four chords and you'll  have to choose them carefully as they define your piece’s melodic identity. First you'll need to choose some major and minor chords.You also need to know the most commonly used chords in modern pieces are C, A, and B flat. Whether you decide to go with these “trendy” chords or whether you decide to turn the idea on its head, you’ve already got the musical identity of your piece.Discover our top tips for becoming a piano player...How can you structure the melody around these main chords?These main chords will help you decide on the bass notes for the left hand.  From these base notes you can work on the melody to be played by the right hand. Here you have two options:Work with Chords: Structure the whole song around these chords (for both hands). This can give our piece a dynamic and rhythmic feel. When a composer goes for this style, they need to think of rhythmic variations and how their fingering can give the piece some originality and depth. This can be a hard thing to do if youâ €™re just starting out.Work with Arpeggios: Arpeggios can be used to sprinkle melody into a song. You can give the song a harmonious side by deconstructing its main chords.For example, instead of playing C major (C-E-G), you can play C, then E, then G, and choosing to play a sixteenth, eighth, or quarter note for each of these in a given octave.Whatever method you choose, there are always advantages and disadvantages. However, this is also the best composers’ creed.Why not head directly to Superprof to learn composition instead of searching for how to compose music or piano lessons London on the Internet?What role can improvisation play?You can’t ignore the important role that improvisation can play in writing pieces for the piano. This is where the pianist’s imagination and virtuosity are expressed, where their skill and dexterity on the ivories come into play.Technology can help you create. (Source: Quantum Productions)One piece of advice: You should always record these mome nts (even during your piano tutorials).The last thing you’d want is to be unable to recreate a great moment because you’ve forgotten it. Consider using a microphone or a Dictaphone to ensure that you never lose another great moment of inspiration again.When is the best time for practicing playing the piano? LouisPiano Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlisonPiano Teacher £32/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors BarbaraPiano Teacher £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Chi yuenPiano Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomPiano Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ErenPiano Teacher 5.00 (5) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValtiePiano Teacher £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielPiano Teacher 5.00 (5) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors What About Writing then Recording?Musical writing: the last step of creation. After having tried and tested different melodies, r hythms, and chords, it’s time to put the results onto paper.  Mastering musical notation and theory is paramount as this stage.You can use musical notation to polish off your piece and balance it out. Why not add a few flourishes and other elements that’ll make your piece more complete. This is the moment where you’ll put the music and lyrics together. Give your piece an rhythmic and melodic identity.Writing down your piece is therefore a very important step. This is the moment where the musician leaves their mark. There are plenty of programs you can use to help you write musical notation but you should definitely learn how to do it yourself first. The pen is mightier than the sword, after all.Why should you record your piece?This is the last thing you need to do. Of course, you’ll need recording equipment in order to properly record your creation.  At least two quality microphones and a recording program.Recording requires a lot of patience. You need to be aware that one t ake probably won’t be enough and you’ll need to pay particular attention to everything you record.Haste makes waste when it comes to recording music. Once you’ve recorded and shared a piece, it’s no longer yours. The greatest composers firmly believe that their work belongs to the public. Becoming a Piano ComposerComposing piano pieces is one of the most exciting and rewarding things you can do. You’ll need both technical skills as well as incredible organizational skills in your everyday life.The challenge of being a piano composer. (Source: Saturday Night Superstars)You get to work with your imagination and maybe you’ll discover a talent you never realized you had. How you play the piano is a reflection of your personality. Projecting your artistic personality is a great way to gain self-confidence. Not just when it comes to your piano lessons near me. Every day of your life. Don’t Create Pieces that Are Too ComplicatedThis is one of the most common errors when it co mes to creating music, making things too complicated. Simplicity is key.  Clarity is key.All you have to do is find a simple melody, develop it, give it a twist, and polish it off.  There are many talented pianists who write incredible melodies but their pieces are too long.A few piano lessons and they’d realize they can write a song as simply as this:A) Melody (intro)A) Melody (repeated)B) Chorus (simplified version)C) BridgeA) MelodyB) Chorus (simplified version)C) BridgeA) MelodyD) Build UpB) Chorus (complex version)C) Bridge (embellished)D) Change Up (embellished, vamp)B) Chorus (embellished)A) MelodyB) Chorus (simplified version)C) BridgeA) Melody (finish)Now discover how to play the piano while singing!

Best Law Schools in Australia

Best Law Schools in Australia What Are The Best Schools to Study Law in Australia? ChaptersThe Australian National UniversityThe University of MelbourneSydney Law SchoolThe University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)If you are a prospective student of law looking for education on distant shores, you could hardly do better than Australia.All but one of the 39 Universities Australia institutions have law programs!Just to clarify: Universities Australia is an organisation intent of furthering higher education through cooperative, voluntary and coordinated action.They are not the sum total of all of the accredited universities in that country; that number totals 43 â€" of which 40 are Australian, two are international and one is privately-run.Among other missions outlined in their charter is to promote and advance the globalisation of Australian universities. To that end, many institutes of higher learning offer internationally acclaimed study programmes.You might help them by declaring yourself an international student and studying law there!As ever, your Superprof is on the front wave of information, bringing you everything you need to know about the best universities in Australia that offer law programmes at the undergraduate and graduate level.Pack your bags and get your passport ready; here we go!Australian National University ranks highest, coming in at #24.It is ranked #1 in Australia for research and education!Located in Canberra, its sterling academic reputation draws students from all over the world.Not only did it rank in the 97th percentile in the world for educational facilities but it also ranked #1 as an international facility and just a half-percentage point below that as the school most welcoming for international students!Their College of Law is one of seven academic colleges, led by national and international experts of the law who specialise in commercial law, international law, environmental law and public law.If these are among the legal fields you had intended to study, consider yourself as having found your ideal law schoo l!You may enrol in their law school programme or finish your legal education by registering for their school of legal practice.Their Bachelor of Laws programme (LLB Hons) requires a four-year commitment, or you may pursue a double-major, for which you would be allowed five years to complete.If you prefer to stay in Europe, read more about the best law colleges on the old continent.What it Takes to Get ThereA student visa and health insurance are a given, as is an acceptance letter.Your acceptance into this most prestigious school is predicated upon your meeting certain academic prerequisites: you will need a satisfactory A-Levels results (subjects unspecified).Furthermore, unless you are 18 or over, you must have proof of adult supervision while studying, even if you live on-campus, in student housing.That person must be qualified: a relative or other person with a demonstrable relationship to you; one who is in good standing with the community.And, you must have proof of your abili ty to support yourself financially during your education.That being said, we come to the painful disclosure that tuition at this top-tier facility is not cheap; however, the steep fees for international students may be offset by grants and scholarships.The University of MelbourneThis venerable institution of higher learning is the second-oldest in that city and the oldest in Victoria â€" the state that Melbourne is the capital city of.Among that campus’ 11 academic units sits the Melbourne School of Law which, along with their Medical School, ranks highest in global esteem.College Crescent comprises of seven residential colleges surrounding the cricket oval. They are designed to provide students with a holistic educational experience.This school is a standout in academic circles for many reasons, not the least of which is their Melbourne Model educational program, in which discrete, 4-year degree programs were replaced with 3-year, generalised degrees.This course structure, unique in Australia, has faced a significant backlash from academics and students alike. Nevertheless, shaving a year off of nine programmes saves students a substantial amount in tuition and housing fees.The Law College is not among those shortened programmes â€" sorry!Admission there will cost you a little over 20,000AUD per year and, like the previously-mentioned institute, you must be able to prove financial stability as a part of the application process.However, here again, you may apply for a scholarship to ease your financial burden.All other application criteria apply: having attained the equivalent of their Victorian Certificate of Education (your A-Levels), obtaining a student visa and studying full time.If you would like to learn another language at the same time, why not study law in Asia and learn Mandarin or Japanese?The University of Sydney's new law building would make anyone want to attend classes there! Source: Wikipedia Credit: Pear285Sydney Law SchoolLocated amongst th e buildings of Australia’s oldest university is Sydney Law School: winner of a record number of Moot Court Competitions and producer of 24 Rhodes Scholars.Even among top universities around the world, that is a fantastic track record!For academic excellence and the pursuit of intellectual advancement, there are few rivals to Sydney Law School â€" in Australia or elsewhere in the world.Applying to this school for undergraduate studies entails the usual criteria: student visa, financial disclosure and satisfactory A-Levels achievement.Your legal studies at Sydney School of Law will entail:studies that will lead to both professional recognition and registrationinternships to gain practical experiencethe opportunity for a double major â€" give your skills set a wider breadth of knowledgestudying law in an open learning environmentWhether you only intend to attain your LLB Hons undergraduate degree or intend to complete postgraduate studies â€" earning your Juris Doctor through their d iverse programmes, you may be sure that your academic achievements will be well-regarded both in the classroom and later, when you practice law.Pretty much anywhere you study law, in public universities in the UK or at an international university, the price tag will be cringe-worthy.However, the University of Sydney helps to offset that financial burden by offering scholarships to qualified students and student loans, especially for international students.You can also study law in the US.The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)Located in Kensington, just outside of Sydney, this is a public university which, among other distinctions, is a founding member of the Group of Eight.That would be a coalition of research universities in Australia, a part of the global network of institutes with the same priorities called Universitas 21.Your prospective school is a partner for international research and exchange with over 200 universities around the world!That’s some serious bragging rights... provided you gain admission to their law program.Unlike the facilities we’ve discussed so far, this institute requires sitting a specialised exam designed by their law programme administrators.No need for worry; it consists of only two questions designed to measure your critical thinking skills and aptitude as a potential scholar.International undergraduates have 25 areas of law to pursue their studies in. Additionally, they may partake of offered internships, or even spend a semester overseas, in a partner university study programme.Enrolled in UNSW Law school, you may find yourself in such a classroom Source: Wikipedia Credit: Jonash25What about postgraduate studies?You may spend 1-2 years doing coursework â€" lectures and tutorials, exams and other assignments. Or you may spend double that time to conduct research.As a doctoral candidate, you would benefit from the mentorship of an expert in the field in which you wish to conduct research, culminating in a Masters’ or Doctorate (PhD) degree.How much would this set you back, you wonder...Beyond a nominal application fee, you can plan to invest upwards of 50,000 AUD for your undergraduate studies.Tuition fees for international students are set at course level rather than (degree) programme level. - UNSW FAQ pageHere again, UNSW shows its originality by setting prices according to the cost of teaching the course, rather than on the anticipated number of students who will take the course â€" as most other major universities do.However, they join other universities worldwide in offering grants and scholarships to deserving students and other financial aid for students from select countries.Yes, the UK is on that list!What price should one put on one’s future? Does that price matter as much as the value you get for your money?All of these universities save one has earned a 5-star rating for the strength of their programs, for social responsibility and for graduate employability â€" among other cr iteria.Not even the top 5 universities on the QS list merit that distinction!Putting aside the issue of finances, for now, the experience and education you would gain through any of these facilities, let alone the fellowship you would enjoy and the network of contacts you would make in the legal field...If you would rather stay close to home, there are great UK law schools.These are all intangible, uncountable benefits of studying law through such schools.So, if you are looking to spend an academic year (or longer) abroad learning the law, you may want to set your sights on Australia!Now we round out the top ten Australian law programmes:School NameCityQS Rank5-star ratingThe University of QueenslandBrisbane48noMonash UniversityMelbourne(tied at) 59noUniversity of Western Australia (UWA)Perth91yesUniversity of AdelaideAdelaide114noUniversity of Technology SydneySydney(tied at) 160yesUniversity of NewcastleCallaghan, Ourimbah, Port Macquire, at) 214no